Why is it important to be vaccinated for flu? First of all, many confuse a viral stomach bug as flu. This is incorrect. Though such an illness will make one quite ill for a few days, it tends to be short lived and not serious. In such a case, it would not be necessary to be vaccinated. However, flu stands for influenza. This is a respiratory illness characterized by high recurrent fevers, shaking chills, and horrible muscle aches. What makes it especially risky is that there is a significant risk for pneumonia to develop. Not uncommonly this is due to staphylococcus aureus, the most deadly bacteria to cause pneumonia. Those at particularly high risk are those at the extremes of ages-the very young and the elderly. The illness tends to last at least 7-10 days and is quite incapacitating.
So who should get vaccinated? Those who are over 65 years old definitely should. Also, those who have chronic diseases should as well. Repeated studies have shown that vaccination in these patients saves lives. Those who work with or are in contact with such people should also strongly consider being vaccinated. In fact, anyone who wants to avoid being out of commission for at least a week should be vaccinated. This includes school children as well as those of you in the work force. There is a reason why many employers provide the vaccination for free. It is well worth the investment to keep people productive at work.

"I don't want to get a flu shot. Every time I get a shot, I get sick." I have two responses to this concern. First, illnesses that occurs after receiving the vaccination are not influenza. They are coincidental colds. I realize that no one believes me when I say this. The real consideration is to know that the flu shot is now a totally killed virus. Past vaccines were partially live viruses which may indeed cause one to feel feverish and achy for a few days after. That is no longer the case. The shot is exceedingly safe with minimal effects. Flumist, the vaccine given through the nose is partially live. If you are concerned about feeling ill after the vaccine, get the shot.
In summary, protect yourself, protect your loved ones, protect your community. Get your flu shot. This is the best time to do it. Please, just don't go to the doughnut shop!
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