All of these risk factors are modifiable. They can be changed. If you smoke, you can quit. It is hard and you may have to try again and again, but you can quit. Help is as easy as calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW. If your blood pressure is up, it can be controlled. Ideally through diet and exercise but medications may be necessary. More on this later. Know what your blood pressure is. It should be checked every year. The same goes for levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. If you don't know your levels, you don't know your risk. You may be in your forties and feel fine. However, the time to act is now to prevent problems in the future. Get in to your physician and get checked out. If you wait till you have symptoms of diabetes or heart disease it will be too late.
The great news is that if your risk factors are controlled you can spend your later years in good health. You can enjoy yourself, take trips, be with the grandchildren. No, none of us are immortal, but we all want to enjoy the time we have here in this life. The human body is an amazing organism. It is a precious gift from God. Let's take good care of it. It is the only one we have.